Saturday, November 12, 2011

:: BALI ::

BALI...sape je yg xnak pegi sana kan..i've been there last year..the place soooooo beautiful..dengan pantainye,dgn tmptnye..sangat kat sana byk sgt temple..mule2 smp kat airport kene queue pjg gile..ade la dekat 2 3 jam..letih wooo kaki..n after keluar je, dieorg punye layanan sgt2 baik..smp2 nak pegi kat supir which is mcm tour guide la, dh kene kalung ngan bunga yg sgt wangi..xingat ape jenis bunga bile mlm nak tido bau bunga tuh mmg spooky i tell u..

nie la bunganye..ntah ape ntah nama

Bile otw nak ke hotel, aduhhhh,bisa gugur jantung gue..sbb dieorg nie mmg hati kering kut bile driving..seteruk-seteruk mak drive,teruk lg dieorg..dh la mmg jenis xpakai signal..traffic light mcm xde function je kat sana..dieorg kat sana kalau nak lalu hon sekali, maknenye tumpang lalu..kalau kene hon 2 kali maknenye silakan..hadoiiii..mcm tuh pun boleh ker?..eventhough penat tp still x leh nak lelap mata..sbb takut cara dieorg drive...mmg crazy..
Smp je hotel,checked in, rest2 jap, pastu gie jenjln..

nie la hotel kiteorg sepjg kat sana

 First place yg kiteorg jejak was HARD ROCK..pegi sana utk dinner..Hard Rock sana is the biggest and yg paling cantik yg i penah pegi..dgn hall of fame dieorg mmg sgt2 byk n besau2..penuh semua wall..teruja mak!!!!..hahhaa..

besarkannnnn!!!!..seriously damn big!!!


Dieorg punye live band pun best gile..sume org gile..vokalis laki die hensem okayh..hahaa..dh makan, dh layan2 lagu sume,masing2 dh sume org pikir tido je..kat sana pun mmg byk jenjln..masa utk tido mmg sgt2 limited..byk gile tmpt pegi..susunan tmpt mmg x ingat la tgk je la saringan gambo2..
the gurls

the boys

love this picture

                Kat sana byk temple yg kiteorg visit..kat sana kan byk ntah la..bile masuk sana kan bdn tetibe rase x yg peliknye bile keluar je dr temple tuh xde ape2 pun..mcm something wrong somewhere..seram makkkk!!..dh la masuk sana maghrib2..temple kat TANAH LOT tuh mcm besar la..pastu kiteorg tgk CAK-CAK DANCE..kisah pasal dieorg punye dewa2 la..

nie kat tanah lot

temple nie mcm kat ujung2 skit la

nie la temple yg ujung2 tuh dr dekat

smart siut

me n my en tunang yg mok

me n shafa..ramai gile org kat bwh tuh
Kat sana kiteorg wat water ape ntah namanye..mmg best okayh..first experience yg sgt best..mule2 of course la takut tp bile dh wat mcm seronok plak..

nie la sume yg terlibat
Tp xleh nak tunjuk byk sgt gambo2 time nie..sensored u..auuww!!!..hahaha..after settle je kiteorg kene panjat tangga yg tinggi okayh..percaya x yg tangga tuh lagi tinggi dr tangga batu caves..penat, semput sume ade..mmg boleh turun berat..2 kilo selamba..tadahal..mongah den..smp je puncak mandi, pastu makan pastu caalipbut la..gie tmpt lain plak..xde makne nak tunggu lama2 kat situ..hahaha..

Seriously mcm2 tmpt pegi..pegi tmpt kopi yg guna recycle musang la..pegi lunch kat tempat yg berviewkan volcano..still aktif lg tau volcano tuh..tmpt die nyaman je..sejukkkkkkk..dh mcm ala2 genting..nice view..pastu gie kat waterfall..tinggi singgah sekejap je..xlama pun..snap some photos pastu gerak..nak cite pasal kat sana mmg byk yg penting,i have a great n wonderful n fabulous n superb time sepjg kat sana..

me n my en tunang

the one n only guy in my heart..the one that i love the most..

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