Tuesday, January 31, 2012

:: Well Done ::

Who ever u are..whatever ur intention is,only GOD knows,u really did a very good job..keep it up u bastard..let me tell u this..u are the most coward person in this entire world..u don't have balls,do u?..if u are not satisfied with me,say it straight to my face u culprit..n don't use the most shitty things to make a revenge or what so ever..n try to face the fact that "JODOH DI TANGAN ALLAH"..

Aku xkan wat bende yg sama ko wat kat aku sbb kalau aku balas balik,ape bezanye aku ngan ko..bertaubat la byk2..dosa tuh antara ko ngan ALLAH..as a human being,aku maafkan ko..tp jgn ingat ko akan terlepas kt akhirat nnt mcm mana ko terlepas kat dunia skang nie.. GOD BLESS..


  1. pesal ayat ko mcm familiar jek???

  2. @watyz familiar ke beb?..ade org wat ayat sebijik sebijik aku ker?..

  3. mcm ko pernah guna je ayat tu kat fb... ke diah guna???

  4. @watyz ye ker?..aku pun x ingat..hahaha..
