Thursday, February 2, 2012

:: Bee's Birthday Bash ::

Bee nie adik mok mok yg paling bongsu..still belajar kat MMU Melaka..time CNY tuh die balik sbb tgh study week..birthday die patutnye 11 feb tp disbbkan Bee maybe x balik on that particular day,so my MIL plan nak wat awal..mmg awal sgt la kan..kiteorg gie kat TGIF Wangsa Walk..bile smp je my MIL dh bg signal suruh gie bgtau kat staff TGIF pasal Bee punye birthday..okayh DONE!!..

Dh order n food pun dh smp kiteorg melantak la dulu..hehe..then baru jmp balik staff TGIF td nak inform yg dieorg dh leh start..adoiii..kesian Bee kene dera..mak xsuke sebenarnye celebrate birthday kat TGIF nie u'olls..sbb pelik2 bende die suruh wat..mak dh 3 kali celebrate birthday kat sana..3 kali tuh la semuanye surprise..3 kali tuh la x budget..adoii..wat malu jer..Bee pun terpaksa wat dgn terpaksa..kene berdiri atas kerusi,(itu standard..mak dulu kene berdiri atas bar lg),kene bg speech la,kene blow the candle yg jauh gile..

slim n mok mok
MIL n Bee
Bee n Eddie
Birthday Boy
Sian Bee kene bg speech
Blow the candle Bee
Our meal

Free dessert for Birthday Boy


  1. yum2...kalo mkn fridays suka dessrt fridays sundae pastu menu suka mac & cheese

  2. kesian die kena panjat kusi..hahaha

  3. @mama tisya sama la..suke sgt mac n cheese..sedapkan..;p

  4. @~diAhOntHeblOg~ aku siap ckp ngan wan dh kalau birthday aku yg terpikir nk wat surprise kt

  5. Happy besday to ur hubby :)

    sedap nye tgk dessert gambar last tu. nyum nyum

  6. @Cik FaRiZaM Bee tuh bkn hubby kite la awak..itu adik ipar kite..hehe..anyway,tq on behalf..;)


  7. @amiey lee jom nnt kite gie TGIF pastu berlakon2 ade birthay..dpt dessert free..hehhe.

  8. happy birthday. tp aku lebih berminat terhadap makanan atas meja nun. hahahha

  9. @watyz tq on behalf..hehe..nnt kite gie makan kat TGIF bile ko turun kl tp ko belanja okayh..hahaha.larikkk!!!..
