Tuesday, February 19, 2013

:: Gone Too Soon ::

Still shocked and saddened by the news that i've heard yesterday..my old pal has passed away..;(((((

Benjamin Chan..left a wife and 2 kiddos..the eldest, umur, around 3 - 4 years kut...n yg kecik, baru sebln..kesian yg kecik tuh langsung2 xsmpt nk rase kasih sayang bapak..died because of motorcycle accident..accident somewhere kat Genting..morning ride with all bikers..if i'm not mistaken, after accident he still can called his mother..to tell her that he accident and nothing to be worried of..and bile kat hospital, out of sudden, he collapsed..rupenye2 ade internal bleeding.. ;(((((

Ben was a friend of mine kat Proton Edar dulu..kat Proton mmg kite rapat ngan semua org..baik cina, india and of course la melayu..mmg rapat sgt2 yg ibarat mcm adik ngan abang, adik ngan kakak..sbb time tuh mmg kite yg paling muda antara semua pun..Ben was one of them..gie karaoke same2, gie lunch sama2..and he was a very good friend..u're like a brother to me Ben..;(((((((((((

Speechless..like i said, still in shocked..Rest in Peace brother..my deepest condolences to ur family..


  1. kesian ank yg 2nd, x rasa kasih syg ayh...

  2. sian nye kat bb dia... cantik wife n anak dia...

  3. sedihnyer anak die kecik2 lagi...harap wife die tabah hadapi dugaan ni..

  4. hurmm...moga isteri dia tabah hadapi dugaan idup...

  5. RIP..may he rest in peace

    and condolence to his family

  6. Tak kira siapa bila yg pergi itu kita kenal pasti mengundang rasa sedih dan terharu apa lagi perginya all the sudden.

    My condolences to their family..

  7. sedih! even dia bangsa lain.. stil ada rasa simpati kat ati ni bile tau pasal pemergian beliau.. RIP buat beliau.. takziah buat fmly

  8. @Nad MamaZN yg kecik tuh plaing sedih..kalau xsilap wife die baru abis pantang kut..

  9. @Nory Zoulkefle itu laaaa..harap2 wife die stron la kan..

  10. @♥cikmOt♥ harap2 gitu laaaa..ngan nak besar kan anak2 yg kecik2 lagi tuh...sedih..

  11. @Kakzakie kan kak..die antara kawan cina falsya yg kutuk2 bangsa sendri..suke makan sambal belacan..

  12. @Jue a.k.a Ibu 2F tau xpe jue..especially anak die yg kecik skali tuh..

  13. @aizu's life kan aizu...sedih sgt..terkejut jugak lah dgr..

  14. :( baru habis pantang lah tu kan..? sedih...takziah utk keluarga Ben :(

  15. takziah buat keluarganya..sian kat baby tu tak sempat kenal ayah..

  16. moga isteri dia tabah..cumil sungguh anak2 dier
