Monday, January 16, 2012

:: Baby Gen-Gen ku Patah Tangan ::

Mesti pelik kan, sapo la baby Gen-Gen nieh..nie sebenar nama timangan n nama manja kete Gen2 mak tuh..gedik kan nak ber-baby-baby bagai..hehe..bkn ape..kete pun ade perasaan tau..sbb tuh kene belai2 kete,bkn la belai satu kete,letih mcm tuh..belai stering je sudah..sometimes kalau terlanggar lubang ke ape ker,dh terbiasa usap stering smbl ckp byk lupe dr ingat..duk sibuk marah lubang tuh..sbb takut nnt merajuk n tetibe kete wat hal rosak ke hape ker..sape yg ssh..akakkkk gak yg susah..melayang duit..hahaha..lg satu kalau ade terniat nak tukar kete lain,don't u ever-ever say it inside the car..even kat tepi kete pun jgn..otherwise your car accident la,rosak la,ape la..lg byk duit melayang..;D

Sabtu lps la nak dijadikan cite,kiteorg nak kuar..pastu ade la sbb2 tertentu,mok mok suruh bwk my baby Gen-Gen..mak gie la amek kete sbb kete parking jauh skit dr umah..pastu nak kemas2 la seat belakang sbb my MIL nak duduk..alih2 bile tarik je handle pintu,tuh diaaaaaaaa,patah sudah handle kete..ganas x ganas laaaa..pastu smbl gelak kol mok mok..sbb kang gelak sorang2,org ingat gile pulak..then mok mok tau lg la kene gelak kan..hahaha..terus my MIL suruh gie Taman Bolton kat bwh tgk kalau2 kedai spare-part ade jual x..nie kali ke-3 handle pintu patah..haihhh,mmg this kind of problem very common la when it comes to Gen2..or mana2 kete Proton yg pakai handle sama mcm Gen2..

Mmg la ado handle tp 1.3 punye la plak kan..mine is 1.6..mana nak sama..1.3 handle semua warna hitam..pastu try tanye kat kedai accessories member mok mok,nasib baik ade n murah some more..ari nie baru nk gie pasang sbb die kene spray dulu handle tuh bg sama color ngan kete..sementara tuh pintu mak gonjeng xde handle..muahahaha..

handle pintu yg patah..

:: The SIM ::

The SIM nie game nie seriously "haunted"..kalau ade yg penah main game nie mesti tau la ye la..nak bgtau la nie nape "haunted"..bkn la "haunted" sbb game nieh berhantu betul2..more to mcm once u dh start main,hard utk u stop..mcm ralit je..kalau nak benti tuh mcm ade je menghalang..haha..i'm not really into game sebenarnye..kalau nak main game pun memilih gak semua of course yg senang2 je la..malas nak pikir2..

Dulu2 lagi dh penah dgr pasal game The SIM nieh tp mcm x terpikir n xterniat pun nak bile tgk mok mok main game nieh kan mcm nak gak sgt ker smp bini sendri pun leh lupe..hahahaa..sekali betul laaa..skang nie terus jd rampasan kuasa The SIM mok mok,mak yg kongker..bile mok mok nak main game tuh,mak bwk larik ipad..hahahaha..chian mok mok!!..

The Sims

Game nie kire set kan life utk semua SIMS nieh..mcm mana nak dptkan duit..kalau cukup time bg makan,suruh gie tido,suruh gie mandi,suruh die berborak2,tgk tv,gie keje,built-kan umah utk dieorg,masukkan furniture la ape la..kire semua bende dlm life nie kite kene aturkan lah..ngada2 kan game mak layansssss jerssss..hahahahaa..

Friday, January 13, 2012

:: Goli Tiak Den ::

Kalau korang tau perangai seseorg tuh kan..pastu bile dpt tau yg die mention yg die nie baik la,sopan-santun la,lemah-lembut la,solehah la..ape segala yg baik2 la..mcm xpenah wat dosa besar ke ape..padahal korang tau ape yg die penah wat n perangai die mcm mana kan,rase geli x tiak?..wahahahahha..mak xtau la u'olls mcm mana kalau mak la rase mcm ape je minah/mamat tuh..duk agung2kan diri sendri padahal org sekeliling tau die mcm mana..

Xpe la nok,janji ko bahagia sudey..xkose mak tau bile dpt tau bende2 mcm nie..wahahahahahaha..

Hanye org sekeliling yg boleh menilai kite..sbb kalau kite nilai diri sendri mmg semua yg baik2 jer la kan..hahahaha..

Mak redho bile gurlfriend2 mak n kawan2 mak n mok mok panggil aii gedik (ramainye)..padahal ai baik tau..sopan-santun jer..lemah-lembut,berbudi-pekerti..ngeeeeeeee..


:: Gossip Artis La Pulak ::

Amboi amboi amboi...kali nie mak nak joyah pasal artis la pulak u'olls..pasal makan je ape nak saje2 la duk masuk beautifulnara ..tetibe je terasa nak masuk..saje2 nak tgk ape gossip artis kali nie..alih2 terpandang 1 tittle nieh..pasal Rozita Che Wan..ermmm,mak admit Rozita Che Wan nie mmg cantek..mcm babydoll..tpppppppppppppp.....hurmmmmm,ermmmmmmmmm..

Source from here ..

Pelakon ini kelihatan semakin melaram sejak kebelakangan ini. Orang kata hati kena muda sentiasa gittteeww. Menurut Mangga Online , Rozita Che Wan telah tampil dengan apa yang kami panggil ‘gaya remaja’ di majlis ulangtahun kelahiran seorang pelakon bernama Ryzal Jaafar di sebuah kelab baru-baru ini. Sekali pandang tak ubah seperti pakaian anggota kumpulan wanita K-pop.

Sebenarnya riak wajah Cik Ta hampir sama saja di kebanyakan gambar. Masa dia mengacara pun riak wajahnya begitu juga. Mungkin atas sebab itu beliau sering tampil dengan gaya berbeza di kebanyakan acara kot? Tapi tak nampak pula kelibat Zain Saidin di majlis ini, mungkin ada tapi tiada di gambar atau mungkin dia sedang sibuk. Apa-apa pun gaun remaja Cik Ta memang cantik, kan? Kan? Kan? Iyokan yolahh. Har har har.

:: Pavlova Alexis ::

Pavlova nie is my fav..serious sedap..for those yg suke whipped cream kan confirm suke..mak suke Pavlova kat Alexis..boleh wat nak lagi nak lagi..hahaa..penah sekali teringin gile nak makan Pavlova Alexis tau..dh malam2 baru tergedik2 mulut nie nak teringin Pavlova bagai..dh la Pavlova nie cepat gile abis..nasib baik la mok mok melayan je kerenah..time tuh tunangan lg tau..ehehe..

 Mule2 crk kat Alexis Bangsar..frust gile dh abis..pastu bile dh frust2 gitu,mok mok bawak gak gie Alexis Mid Valley pulak..pun dh abis..double frust..pastu tetibe mulut muncung je sbb x dpt Pavlova..pastu mok mok tanye kat mana ade lg Alexis..Great Eastern Mall ade Alexis..alih2 mok mok ajak gie tgk kat sana plak..confirm kalau gie sana dh abis ckp ngan mok mok xyah la..since kiteorg x dinner lagi semata2 nak crk Pavlova kehulu kehilir,so we've decided to have dinner kat sana je..esoknye tuh keluar tengahari gie Alexis Bangsar semata-mata nak beli Pavlova..nasib baik ade..hahaha..

Mak sungguh bertuah sbb dpt mok mok..seriously..sbb xkisah la time tuh tetibe mengidam ape je kan,mesti die melayan je kehendak..seboleh2 mok mok akan cube dptkan ape yg bini die nie mengidam..walaupun kene drive 2 3 4 tempat dlm satu hari tuh..tempat nie xde crk lagi tempat lain..xde lagi,carik lg smp jmp..distance bkn dekat2 tau..semua die melayan jugak..kalau kene lelaki lain,kene tangan ke pe ntah..makan hati la jawabnye..


nie la Pavlova Alexis yg jd gilaan mak..hahaha..

:: Suke Inteprem ::

Mak mmg suke inteprem masuk gambo org..haha..smpkan my pakcu bengang gile..sama dgn je ngan my brother in law..kalau my BIL tetibe nak snap gambo mesti xnak amek gambo mak tau..padahal dh siap posing dh..kalau nmpk mak tgh posing mesti dan2 tuh alihkan camera kat tmpt lain..hahaha..pakcu lak kat belakang boleh jerit2,

"jgn snap gambo makcik tuh!!..dh byk dh gambo die dlm kamera..asyik muke die,muke die,muke die..n just imagine brape byk gambo nak kene crop pasal die inteprem"...wahahahahaa..

Relaks la pakcu..nak wat canner kalau xleh tgk camera..allergic..hahaha..

My gurlfriends pulak dh biasa so relakan jer.hahaha..

asalnye org yg amek gambo nie nak candid tp xjd..hahaha..
sambil lalu je tuh sempat lg nak inteprem..
ado laie..hahaha..
tgk..punye la nak inteprem smp muke jd mcm tuh..muahaha..

Thursday, January 12, 2012

:: Wilson Disease ::

 I know it is too long..but try to read as our precaution also..sometimes we wouldn't know until it happen..

 Source from here..

What is Wilson disease?

Wilson disease is a genetic disorder that prevents the body from getting rid of extra copper. A small amount of copper obtained from food is needed to stay healthy, but too much copper is poisonous. In Wilson disease, copper builds up in the liver, brain, eyes, and other organs. Over time, high copper levels can cause life-threatening organ damage.

Who gets Wilson disease?

People who get Wilson disease inherit two abnormal copies of the ATP7B gene, one from each parent. Wilson disease carriers, who have only one copy of the abnormal gene, do not have symptoms. Most people with Wilson disease have no known family history of the disease. A person's chances of having Wilson disease increase if one or both parents have it.
About one in 40,000 people get Wilson disease.1 It equally affects men and women. Symptoms usually appear between ages 5 to 35, but new cases have been reported in people aged 2 to 72 years.

What causes Wilson disease?

Wilson disease is caused by a buildup of copper in the body. Normally, copper from the diet is filtered out by the liver and released into bile, which flows out of the body through the gastrointestinal tract. People who have Wilson disease cannot release copper from the liver at a normal rate, due to a mutation of the ATP7B gene. When the copper storage capacity of the liver is exceeded, copper is released into the bloodstream and travels to other organs—including the brain, kidneys, and eyes.

What are the symptoms of Wilson disease?

Wilson disease first attacks the liver, the central nervous system, or both.
A buildup of copper in the liver may cause ongoing liver disease. Rarely, acute liver failure occurs; most patients develop signs and symptoms that accompany chronic liver disease, including
  • swelling of the liver or spleen
  • jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes
  • fluid buildup in the legs or abdomen
  • a tendency to bruise easily
  • fatigue
A buildup of copper in the central nervous system may result in neurologic symptoms, including
  • problems with speech, swallowing, or physical coordination
  • tremors or uncontrolled movements
  • muscle stiffness
  • behavioral changes
Other signs and symptoms of Wilson disease include
  • anemia
  • low platelet or white blood cell count
  • slower blood clotting, measured by a blood test
  • high levels of amino acids, protein, uric acid, and carbohydrates in urine
  • premature osteoporosis and arthritis
Kayser-Fleischer rings result from a buildup of copper in the eyes and are the most unique sign of Wilson disease. They appear in each eye as a rusty-brown ring around the edge of the iris and in the rim of the cornea. The iris is the colored part of the eye surrounding the pupil. The cornea is the transparent outer membrane that covers the eye.

How is Wilson disease diagnosed?

Wilson disease is diagnosed through a physical examination and laboratory tests.
During the physical examination, a doctor will look for visible signs of Wilson disease. A special light called a slit lamp is used to look for Kayser-Fleischer rings in the eyes. Kayser-Fleischer rings are present in almost all people with Wilson disease who show signs of neurologic damage but are present in only 50 percent of those with signs of liver damage alone.
Laboratory tests measure the amount of copper in the blood, urine, and liver tissue. Most people with Wilson disease will have a lower than normal level of copper in the blood and a lower level of corresponding ceruloplasmin, a protein that carries copper in the bloodstream. In cases of acute liver failure caused by Wilson disease, the level of blood copper is often higher than normal. A 24-hour urine collection will show increased copper in the urine in most patients who display symptoms. A liver biopsy—a procedure that removes a small piece of liver tissue—can show if the liver is retaining too much copper. The analysis of biopsied liver tissue with a microscope detects liver damage, which often shows a pattern unique to Wilson disease.
Genetic testing may help diagnose Wilson disease in some people, particularly those with a family history of the disease.
Wilson disease can be misdiagnosed because it is rare and its symptoms are similar to those of other conditions.

Who should be screened for Wilson disease?

Anyone with unexplained liver disease or neurologic symptoms with evidence of liver disease, such as abnormal liver tests and symptoms of liver disease, should be screened for Wilson disease. People with a family history of Wilson disease, especially those with an affected sibling or parent, should also be screened. A doctor can diagnose Wilson disease before the appearance of symptoms. Early treatment can reduce or even prevent illness.

How is Wilson disease treated?

Wilson disease requires lifelong treatment to reduce and control the amount of copper in the body.
Initial therapy includes the removal of excess copper, a reduction of copper intake, and the treatment of any liver or central nervous system damage.
The drugs d-penicillamine (Cuprimine) and trientine hydrochloride (Syprine) release copper from organs into the bloodstream. Most of the copper is then filtered out by the kidneys and excreted in urine. A potential major side effect of both drugs is that neurologic symptoms can become worse—a possible result of the newly released copper becoming reabsorbed by the central nervous system. About 20 to 30 percent of patients using d-penicillamine will also initially experience other reactions to the medication, including fever, rash, and other drug-related effects on the kidneys and bone marrow. The risk of drug reaction and neurologic worsening appears to be lower with trientine hydrochloride, which should be the first choice for the treatment of all symptomatic patients.
Pregnant women should take a lower dose of d-penicillamine or trientine hydrochloride during pregnancy to reduce the risk of birth defects. A lower dose will also help reduce the risk of slower wound healing if surgical procedures are performed during childbirth.
Zinc, administered as zinc salts such as zinc acetate (Galzin), blocks the digestive tract’s absorption of copper from food. Zinc removes copper too slowly to be used alone as an initial therapy for people who already have symptoms, but it is often used in combination with d-penicillamine or trientine hydrochloride. Zinc is safe to use at full dosage during pregnancy.
Maintenance therapy begins when symptoms improve and tests show that copper has been reduced to a safe level. Maintenance therapy typically includes taking zinc and low doses of either d-penicillamine or trientine hydrochloride. Blood and urine should be monitored by a health care provider to ensure treatment is keeping copper at a safe level.
People with Wilson disease should reduce their dietary copper intake. They should not eat shellfish or liver, as these foods may contain high levels of copper. Other foods high in copper—including mushrooms, nuts, and chocolate—should be avoided during initial therapy but, in most cases, may be eaten in moderation during maintenance therapy. People with Wilson disease should have their drinking water checked for copper content and should not take multivitamins that contain copper.
If the disorder is detected early and treated effectively, people with Wilson disease can enjoy good health.

Points to Remember

  • Wilson disease prevents the body from getting rid of extra copper.
  • Wilson disease first attacks the liver, the central nervous system, or both.
  • Anyone with unexplained liver disease or neurologic symptoms with evidence of liver disease should be screened for Wilson disease.
  • Wilson disease requires lifelong treatment to reduce and control the amount of copper in the body.
  • If the disorder is detected early and treated effectively, people with Wilson disease can enjoy good health.

:: Hani Humaira ::

Hani friend punye daughter..Intan namanya..mmg kiteorg kawan yg x rapat but ntah la..hati n jari nie mcm terpanggil2 je nak wat entry pasal Adik Hani Humaira nie..last 2 weeks mmg asyik ikuti je perkembangan ikuti secara senyap je la..Hani dimasukkan kat hospital last 3 first doc suspected urine infection..then suddenly i've found out from status kat FB yg Hani kene transfered ke ICU because of Liver Damage..ya ALLAH,start-ing from that,my mouth xpernah stop berdoa untuk Hani..even kami x pernah jmp but as a human being,of course la kite ade perasaan risau ke ape ker..this kind of feelings xyah tunggu dh ade anak baru leh rase..she really touched me..

Then dpt tau from my FB's friend yg Hani kene satu infection nie yg die dpt from her parents..the disease mmg very rare la..Wilson Disease..first time dgr this kind of disease entry i will explain about that..after Liver Damage then merebak pulak ke Brain..after few weeks suffered, today, Hani Humaira dh kembali ke rahmatullah dalam pangkuan ibunye sendri..when i heard about that news,seriously,sedih sgt..berat lagi mata memandang,berat lg bahu memikul..i cannot imagine ape yg Intan rase skang nie..mengalir air mata bile dgr yg Hani dh xde..ajal maut di tangan ALLAH..sape kite untuk menghalang-Nya..after this Hani dh x suffer lg dh..Hani akan happy n sihat balik di-SANA..lg tambah sedih bile dgr yg mak Hani ckp "Mommy lepas Hani"..;(
Falsya harap Intan n Family tabah dan kuat..ALLAH s.w.t lebih sayangkan Hani..mmg senang nak ckp tp sgt susah utk Intan n Family telan..Hani tgh tunggu Intan n Husband kat pintu SYURGA..Al-Fatihah..

Rest in Peace Hani Humaira..

:: Merah Mak Ngah ::

Semalam me n my gurlfriends gie Kenny Rogers untuk santapan dinner..kan semalam ade wat promotion..wear anything RED then dpt buy 1 free ngam2 la kami berempat..hehe..terpaksa la mak pakai baju merah gak u'olls..sebenarnye xberapa suke sgt la ayam2 nie..kalau nak makan ayam pun kene tgk mood..agak2 nak makan,baru bernafsu..kalau xde mood nak makan ayam,mmg ayam tuh terbiau ler kat situ..mok mok plak gile ayam..selalu mok mok tmpt ayam2 tuh semalam ntah nape tetibe mood tuh xde..makan separuh n separuh lagi bagi nana mia..hehe..

Nana keding mmg bersemangt waja smp pakai baju kurung merah terus gie opis..merah mak ngah wa ckp pakai baby T merah..diah pakai baju merah gak..nana mia pakai tudung yg ade secoet je color merah..janji ado kan na..dr xdo..semalam Kenny Rogers nmpk cantek sgt sbb org2 yg dtg kat sana semua pakai merah..

Mintak maap la yer..muke mak x semenggah sbb xbrape nak dlm pada x sihat2 pun sempat lg menggedik bile amek gambo..hahahaha..

:: 101 Dalmation ::

Muahahaha..aku mmg saje nak crk gaduh ngan si diah nie..diah nie suke sgt polkadot..byk betul baju die lately nie polkadot..yang xleh blah kan,baju dh la polkadot casing hp pun nak polkadot jugak..sama color plak tuh hitam putih..dh mcm color 101 Dalmation..serious x tipu..

sama kan..hahaha..


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