Monday, April 30, 2012

:: Jauh Di Mata Dekat Di Hati ::

Entry kali nie mcm agak poyo skit la jgn muntah darah or muntah ijo hokey..;p..tetibe je rase rindu sgt ngan mok mok tau..asal ntah tetibe je nie..jauh di mata (time opis hour jer pun..gaya mcm long distance punye relationship je tau) tp sentiasa dekat di hati..gile la ayat x leh blah siut..sendri yg taip, sendri naik bulu roma..wakakakakakaka..

Xtau la asal tetibe je tau rase mcm tuh..agaknye sbb skang nie tgh lapo tahap gaban kut..kesian mok mok..time lapo tahap gaban baru nak tetibe je rindu..mcm x logik pun ade jugak..perut lapo tetibe boleh jadi rindu..agaknye gas2 kat dlm perut nie dh smp ke urat hati kut..waakkaakkaakkakaa..ape ko merepek nie sya oiii!!!!!!!!!...

Teruk betul effect perut lapo nie..penangan perut lapo smp ke otak ha peginyeeeeee!!!..demmit!!..dr pagi smp skang nie xmakan ape2 tau..minum air kosong jer..uwaaaaa!!!!!....

Tetibe terbayang tom yam ayam, telur bungkus / dadar, ayam goreng kunyit, baby kailan masak pakai oyster sauce...naaakkkkk!!!!!!!!!!...lapooo!!!!!...;(

:: Mandi Jugak Akhirnya ::

Last weekend after settled je kenduri nana keding, me, nana mia n diah balik ke pangkuan keluarga terchenta setelah lupa daratan mcm xde suami n tunang sbb berkampung kat umah nana keding selama 3 jgn salah paham hokeyh, suami2 n tunang kami mengizikan tau..dieorg dh aware dh pun sbb dr dulu lg dh bgtau..;D

Disebabkan ari ahad lepas cuaca yg amat amat amat amat skali panas, gegurl ajak mok mok gie mandikan gengen gegurl..kotor gile kete sbb sebulan x mandi kut..kalau la kete tuh leh bercakap, mau kene maki haaaa sbb dh lama sgt x mandikan die..mana x nya, asal nak cuci je ujan, bile x ujan, rase malas la pulak..sbb kalau gie sorang2 nak cuci kete mmg tersangatlah malasnye nak drive..ngeeeeee..

Cuci kat area2 umah je pun kat belakang ESSO sri gombak tuh..time kiteorg smp mmg xde org dh sbb dh mmg cepat la siap..xde kete mmg satu hal la kan kete siap cepat tp yg wat lg super cepat sbb 6-7 org yg mengelolakan kete gegurl haaaaa..gile mcm kene kekah dh rase gengen gegurl tuh..chian dieee..wahahahaha..

 ramaikan...yg belah sana tuh ade lg 2 org tp xnmpk muke..hehe..
 akhirnye mandi jugak gengen gegurl nie haaa..baru la nmpk rupe kete skit..
kalau x, die punye kotor rase mcm xnk drive jer..kihkihkihkih..pasnie tunggu lg sebln baru cuci kete..ngeekkk!!!!!..

:: The Avengers ::

Last weekend, masa yg telah ditunggu-tunggu telah The Avengers with mok mok n his best buddies..weeehuuuu!!!!!..even though we were 15 minutes late because of the small little tiny miss-communication, but it's okayh..we're totally cool about long x missed cite tuh setengah jam ke sejam ke, consider okayh lg la..15 minutes jer kut n xde la tertinggal byk sgt cite awal2 tuh..

Seriously, really really really really really a MUST SEE's not double thumbs up lg dh..neither triple nor fourple tau..but 1001111111-ple thumbs up..mmg best gile i tell u..x puas tgk cite tuh rase mcm nak repeat lg mmg harus n akan repeat tgk THE AVENGERS nie..2-3 kali tgk pun xkan bosan..pastu kalau dh lama skit download..mmg besttttt!!!!..

ticket nie a friend of mok mok beli 2 weeks ke 1 week before The Avengers start..

The Avengers nie pasal semua Super Hero such as IRON MAN, CAPTAIN AMERICA, THOR, HULK bergabung tenaga utk selamatkan dunia from LOKI and his "outsider" army..eeehhh, tp bkn mcm adam stacy bergabung meletupssssss aaaahhh tuh tau..wahahahaa..this movie is not really heavy..still ade comedy jugak..dh kate pun IRON MAN ade kan so mmg comedy kene ade la sbb IRON MAN kan gile..serious kelakar tau IRON MAN nie..rase nak lempang jer tau..

Sape2 yg x tgk lg gie la tgk..mmg super duper triple fourple infinity punye besttttt!!!!...sgt3 rugi kalau x tgk!!!!..

Sunday, April 29, 2012

:: Alhamdulillah Selesai Sudah ::

Alhamdulillah dgn sekali lafaz, NURAFLIANA BT ZULKAFLI sah menjadi isteri kepada MOHD RAFIDI B. ABDUL TALIB pada sabtu lepas..CONGRATS NANA N KBOB..semoga kekal hendaknye hingga ke akhir hayat..;D

Nnt akan ade entry dr kami ber-3 iaitu me, nana mia n diah..itu adalah perkara wajib n jgn ter-confuse pulak tau..nnt entry kiteorg mesti sama jer pasal si nana keding nie..wakaakaakakaka..


after nikah..alhamdulillah..;D
 after reception..
 nak gak menyelit muke..

Friday, April 27, 2012

:: Beauty is Pain ::

Ye ker beauty is pain?..actually it depends la kat individu tuh sendri kan whether wanna pain or not..but no pain no gain la kan..hehe..masing2 have their own way nak pain kan beauty tuh dgn mencucuk2 botox la, vitamin C la, wat operation panjangkan dagu la, operation nak mancungkan idung la, wat liposuction la..mcm2 la kalau nak diikutkan skang nie..

Gegurl xde la smp tahap nak wat mcm tuh..still lagi waras dlm hal2 beauty nie..gegurl bersyukur dgn kurniaan-NYA n xde niat sekecik zarah pun nak menukar muke nie..pipi gegurl nie sejak azali duk kembung xpenah nak surut2 walaupun bdn gegurl kurus sekurusnye pun..kalau domok mmg lg kembung la kan..ngeeeeeee..

My pain when it comes to beauty is laaa,kalau pakai kasut yg salah ke hape mesti sakit kaki..but still stubborn nak pakai gak even tau sakit..gegurl suke pakai wedges..high-heels or stilettos nie kalau gie opis, wedding n certain occasion la..kalau gie jenjln mmg selalu lenjan wedges jer..pastu mulelah jln mcm penguin..penguin pun kalau tengok gegurl jln mesti geleng kepala sbb dh jahanam kan cara dieorg jalan..pastu mok mok plak jd mangsa kene belikan kasut baru sbb duk mengadu2 kate kaki sakit la, melecet la, merah la ape bile dh dpt kasut baru, sama gak sakitnye..bile mok mok tanye, "sakitkan sebenarnye kaki pakai kasut baru..jalan dh slow2 n terhencut2 dh nie", gegurl dgn selambanye ckp "mana ade sakit..okayh kate biar lambat asal yg kate,i x kate ape2"..padahal mmg sakittttttttttttt punnnn!!!!!!!!...smp rase nak jalan sambil guling2 bdn dh sbb kaki dh sakit..

Hurrmmmmm, nie idea bgs nie..pasnie boleh gune lagi cara mcm nie kan..agak2 nak kasut baru, pakai kasut yg sakit tp pakai bile gie dating kat shopping mall jer..untung2 dpt lagi kasut baru..wakakakakaa..mau mok mok bg penampo ngan selipar saiz 10 bertalu2..hahahahha..

Thursday, April 26, 2012

:: 1 And a Half Days To Go ::

Another 1 and a half day je lagi nana keding will become kbob' happy for her!!..gegurl plak yg ngada2 nak nebes lebih padahal si nana keding yg nak kawen..wakakaka..i have this weird feelings tau..mcm tetibe jd sedih plak bile my gurlfriends nak kawen..bkn sedih xsuke tp sedih gembira..happy!!!..happy!!..happy sgt!!!..mcm x caya je nana keding nak kawen's hard to describe this weird feeling la sebenarnye..agak2 dulu time gegurl nak kawen, gurlfriends gegurl pun pikir or rase bende yg sama jugak ker..hurmmmm..

This coming Friday after work, me, nana mia n diah akan berkampung kat umah si nana keding..walaupun nana keding kate mcm xde keje nak bagi kat kiteorg tp kiteorg ttp akan menepek muke kat situ, tolong semakkan lg rumah si nana, wat2 sibuk mcm byk keje, tadah muke kat camera si nana mia (itu wajib)..hahahaha..masing2 dh inform partner masing2 yg kiteorg akan bz this weekend and thank GOD partner masing2 paham n merelakan jer..;D

WAJIB HADIR!!!!!..mmg kalau xwajib pun kiteorg terjah jugak na oiii..

To my gurlfriend NURAFLIANA ZULKAFLI, aku happy sgt2 utk ko..xlama lg ko akan join group aku n nana mia..kbob mmg ditakdirkan utk ko n kbob yg terbaik utk ko..aku doakan yg ko n kbob kekal hingga ke akhir hayat..ko, nana mia n diah kawan aku dunia akhirat..susah senang kite bersama..aku sayang korang smp mati..adehhhh, sebak pulak rase KBOB, ko jage nana baik2 mcm mana mama n abah jage die..layan die elok2 n jgn sia2kan die..don't mess with her coz if u do,u're mess-ing with us also..takut x kbob takut x?..hhahaha..


:: AB Blood Type ::

Ape type darah korang?..or korang tau x darah korang type ape?..hehehehee..mine is AB..sebelum nie x penah tau langsung pun ape type darah..boleh gituu..

Rupenye kan ade jugak makanan n minuman yg AB group nie kene avoid tau..saje2 je tanye pakcik google nie pasal AB blood type..sekali tuh diaaaaaaa..byk betul haaaa..siap ngan personality siap..dh macam baca horoscope bile baca yg psl personality itu ade yg betul jugak tau..

This are the info about AB blood type group..i know it's toooo long but it doesn't harm u at all if u read this info kannn..hehehe..

What Makes a 'Type AB'
an Individual?

What makes Me Me and You You?

This is the question that is at the heart of the genetic puzzle. It is also central to our exploration of blood types. The key is genetic heritage - the story line of your life. Even though you are living in the 21st century, you share a common bond with your ancestors. The genetic information that resulted in their particular characteristics has been passed on to you.

People who are AB blood type have a different set of characteristics than people who are Type O - they are susceptible to different diseases, they should eat different foods and exercise in a completely different manner. Some believe that personality is influenced by blood type! Dr. D'Adamo, author of the best selling books Eat Right for Your Type and Live Right for Your Type, among others, gives us a blueprint for living in his books. Read on to learn more about the Type AB individual.

The Blood Type AB Individualized Lifestyle

Type AB blood is rare – it’s found in less than five percent of the population. And it is the newest of the blood types. Until ten or twelve centuries ago, there was no Type AB blood type. Type AB resulted from the intermingling of Type A with Type B. Type AB is the only blood type whose existence is the result of intermingling rather than environment. Thus, they share both the benefits and the challenges of both Type A and Type B blood types. Type AB has a unique chameleon like quality – depending on the circumstances, this blood type can appropriate the characteristics of each of the other blood types. Type AB is sometimes A-like, sometimes B-like and sometimes a fusion of both. Today, as we look back at this remarkable evolutionary revolution, it is clear that the genetic characteristics of our ancestors live in our blood today.

Eat Right for Wellness

Type AB reflects the mixed inheritance of their A and B genes. According to Dr. D’Adamo, “Type AB has Type A’s low stomach acid, however, they also have Type B’s adaptation to meats. Therefore, you lack enough stomach acid to metabolize them efficiently and the meat you eat tends to get stored as fat. Your Type B propensities cause the same insulin reaction as Type B when you eat lima beans, corn, buckwheat, or sesame seeds.” Inhibited insulin production results in hypoglycemia, a lowering of blood sugar after meals and leads to less efficient metabolism of foods.

Type AB should avoid caffeine and alcohol, especially when you’re in stressful situations. Dr. D’Adamo recommends that Type AB focus on foods such as tofu, seafood, dairy and green vegetables if you are trying to lose weight. “Avoid all smoked or cured meats. These foods can cause stomach cancer in people with low levels of stomach acid,” recommends Dr. D’Adamo. There is a wide variety of seafood for Type AB, and it is an excellent source of protein for Type AB. A few highly beneficial fish are mahi-mahi, red snapper, salmon, sardines, and tuna.. Some dairy is also beneficial for Type AB – especially cultured dairy such as Yogurt and kefir.

Dr. D’Adamo also recommends smaller, more frequent meals, as they will counteract digestive problems caused by inadequate stomach acid and peptic enzymes. “Your stomach initiates the digestive process with a combination of digestive secretions, and the muscular contractions that mix food with them. When you have low levels of digestive secretions, food tends to stay in the stomach longer.” Explains D’Adamo. He also suggests that Type AB pay attention to combining certain foods. For example, you’ll digest and metabolize foods more efficiently if you avoid eating starches and proteins in the same meal.

Stress and Exercise

Even though people have different capabilities for accommodating stress, we ultimately all have a breaking point. Given enough stressors of a high enough intensity for a long enough period of time, anyone will maladapt. For a Type AB, when it comes to stress hormones, you most resemble Type O in your tendency to overproduce catecholamines like adrenaline. Yet you also have the additional complexity of Type B’s rapid clearing of nitrous oxide, so you suffer the physical consequences of high emotions. Your greatest danger is the tendency to internalize your emotions, especially anger and hostility, which is much more damaging to your health than externalizing it. Exercise plays a critical component in stress reduction and maintaining a healthy emotional balance for Type AB. Dr. D’Adamo recommends a combination of both calming activities and more intense physical exercise to help maintain an optimal balance. For example, three days of aerobic exercise such as running or biking and two days of calming exercise such as yoga or tai chi.


Type AB often receives mixed messages about emotional health. While you tend to be drawn to other people and are friendly and trusting, there is a side of you that feels alienated from the larger community. At your best, you are intuitive and spiritual, with an ability to look beyond the rigid confines of society. You are passionate in your beliefs, but you also want to be liked by others and this can create conflicts. In an independent study, Type ABs described themselves as emotional, passionate, friendly, trusting and empathetic. Type ABs are considered some of the most interesting of the blood types, both John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe were Type ABs and although both are long gone, they hold a place in our national psyche to this day.

Live Right!

Here are Dr. D’Adamo’s key lifestyle strategies for people with Blood Type AB:
  • Cultivate your social nature in welcoming environments. Avoid situations that are highly competitive
  • Avoid ritualistic thinking and fixating on issues, especially those you can’t control or influence
  • Develop a clear plan for goals and tasks – annually, monthly, weekly, daily – to avoid rushing
  • Make lifestyle changes gradually, rather than trying to tackle everything at once
  • Engage in forty-five to sixty minutes of aerobic exercise at least twice a week. Balanced by daily stretching, medititation or yoga
  • Engage in a community, neighborhood or other group activity that gives you a meaningful connection to a group
  • Practice visualization techniques daily
  • Also carve out time alone. Have at least one sport, hobby or activity that you perform independently of others
  • Break up your workday with some physical activity, especially if your job is sedentary. You’ll feel more energized

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

:: Akak Tailor OoooOOOiii Akak Tailor!! ::

EeEEEeeeee,geram betul gegurl ngan akak tailor yg jahit baju dayang2 utk wedding si nana keding nie tau..dh berapa kali dh gie anto alter..ade je yg x kene..memula die wat baju tuh besau..kali nie baru perasan bahu plak span dh mcm org main ragbi dh ghupenye..dh anto gie alter dh tp mcm xde beza pun..ntah die alter ntah tidak..bahu lebor gile kut..nak gie anto alter lagi mmg dh x sempat dh sbb ahad nie dh nak start pakai dh..mana nak jahit manik2 la ape la..

Betul menguji kesabaran la akak tailor nie..mmg first n the last la anto kat die..jgn harap la nak rekomen kat sape2..dh la mahal, jahit baju ntah ape2 plak tuh..bile antar balik utk alter siap buat muke mcm x puas hati plak..dh la wat baju menggelembong sana sini..ade yg besau la ade yg kecik laaaa..wat rosak kain je..aarrrggghhh!!!..gegurl geram nie geram nie!!!..damn u akak!!!...

 perasan x gelembong2 tuh..eee,sakit mata nengok..bahu terkeluar plak tuh..eeee,geramnyeeeee..
side view..gile ketera gelembong!!!!!!..kang bg gelembong muke akak tailor tuh baru tau..huuuuhhh!!!!..
yg tang depan plak besau!!..dh mcm buncit dh perut tuh!!..owhhh tidakkk!!!..sakitnye hatiiii!!! sakit2 hati pun still lg boleh posing mcm tuh kan..senyum nak lebar jer..posing tetap posing okayh..senyum tetap senyum hokey..ahahahhaa..

Walaupun kite sakit hati jgn tunjuk yg kite sakit hati..senyum jer....;))))))))

:: Yeayyyy!!!!.. Menang Coach!!!!!!.. ::

Yeayyyyy!!..menang Coach!!! bukan gegurl no no..nana mia yg menang..hahahaha..gegurl tumpang posing jer..xpe la..dpt posing pun jadi lah..nak beli x mampu..kalau mintak mok mok mmg kene starlite dahi gegurl yg licin nie tau..hahahahaha..

Bestkan nana menang handbag coach nie..alhamdulillah rezeki nana..happy!!!! happy!!! happy!!!...weeehhuuuuu!!!!..

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

:: My GOD, Kolestrol Gegurl Tinggi La ::

2 ke 3 minggu lps ade wat full medical check up kat klinik @ The Mall..ari ape ntah baru la mok mok dpt gie sana amek result gegurl..pastu mok mok kol ckp pasal this medical check up thingy..die kate everything okayh accept for the GOD!!!!!!..but kalau diikutkan x teruk sgt coz gegurl punye kolestrol yg group baik tuh still lg rendah..alhamdulillah..cume kolestrol yg jahat jahat jahat sgt nie yg ter-overdose kalau kolestrol group baik rendah n normal still lagi boleh lingkupkan yg kolestrol jahat nie..kene jaga dr segi pemakanan la of course..

Pasnie makan kene jaga, after balik keje kene gie jogging..dpt half n hour pun jadik la..huahuahua..skang leh la cite nak berdentam-dentum nak jaga makan la, jogging la hape la bagai..dh smp masa semua ke laut..hehe..gie bantai burger bakar la,burger bobby la, chatime la..ngeeeee..

But knowing myself kan, mmg gegurl akan wat gak la..insyaALLAH..contoh mcm nak kawen dulu la..berat bdn naik gile2..semata2 nak pakai gaun yg sapu bersih lantai tuh, sanggup berdiet habis2an n jogging setiap hari..end up mmg turun banyak gak la smp boleh pakai gawn tuh..skang nie kalau ckp nak diet ke kurus ke mesti kene marah sbb bdn dh okayh watpe nak diet lg..itu kate mok mok plak kate lain..die kate "i tgh tunggu la nie..dh bertahun dh i tunggu u nak kurus"..*sigh*

Senang cite, dimana ade kemahuan di situ ade jalan..antara nak x nak je pun..hehe..

Nak tau x?..xnak tau sudah..gegurl cite gak..huuuhh..selama nie x penah tau pun blood gegurl type ape tau..dh wat medical checkup nie baru tau..blood type gegurl AB..korang punye ape?..nnt gegurl cite pasal type darah AB nie okayh..;D


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