Mama i love u, mama i care!!..opppsssyyyy, ternyanyi bkn kite nak cite betapa lunak dan merdunye suara kite nyanyi lagu Mama nie kite nak cite pasal hantu Mama..
Semalam kite ade movie date ngan diah..tah ape mimpi tah diah nak tgk cite tuh semalam..plan asalnye nak lepaks2 jer..alih2 diah kol kate nak tgk wayang...tanye jugak wayang kul brape sbb sian mok mok aiii nnt kelaparan pulak kat umah lps balik keje..pastu diah kate kul 7.30pm kat BTS..okayh, 7.30pm it is..sbb time movie abis mmg lebih kurang mok mok kuau dr opis..
Cite Mama nie cite seram..cite hantu..mmg seram laaaaa...xelok utk tontonan bdk2, ibu mengadung atau sape2 yg ade penyakit jantung..kite sendri pun brape byk menjerit dlm cinema tuh..diah main tipu sbb die tutup tinge...hahahahhhaha...

Synopsis form here..malas nak type pjg2..haahahaa..
Guillermo del Toro presents Mama, a supernatural thriller that tells the haunting tale of two little girls who disappeared into the woods the day that their parents were killed. When they are rescued years later and begin a new life, they find that someone or something still wants to come tuck them in at night.
Five years ago, sisters Victoria and Lilly vanished from their suburban neighborhood without a trace. Since then, their Uncle Lucas (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) and his girlfriend, Annabel (Jessica Chastain), have been madly searching for them. But when, incredibly, the kids are found alive in a decrepit cabin, the couple wonders if the girls are the only guests they have welcomed into their home.
As Annabel tries to introduce the children to a normal life, she grows convinced of an evil presence in their house. Are the sisters experiencing traumatic stress, or is a ghost coming to visit them? How did the broken girls survive those years all alone? As she answers these disturbing questions, the new mother will find that the whispers she hears at bedtime are coming from the lips of a deadly presence.
Kite tau ade yg malas nak baca synopsis tuh tp kite letak je cite nie kalau sape2 nak gedik2 ngan husband boleh sendri pikir...kuang3...cerita nie mmg best..cer la tgk..ada bran???...;))))))))))))